Part 9: Dead Tensions
Chapter 8: Dead Tensions

"Runes used by the Svarts differ from, say, Elvish runes. If for the latter runes are just the embodiment of magic spells that require mana, the Svarts grasped the essence of the elements and learned how to make runes that are actual sources of energy. There are hundreds of varieties of such runes. Some make blades sharper, others can strengthen any armour, some reduce the weight of things, or radiate pure light."
(from "Chronicles of New Worlds" written by Master Vardies Teleran)
A new company was presented before King Lich VI in the square in front of his of his tower. Arrayed in serried ranks, before him stood women.

Row upon row of Svart women stood there, clad in leather armor, faces hidden under heavy metal helmets. Their hands firmly gripped poleaxes. And axehead was inscribed with runes that gleamed with sinister fire.

The king indeed saw small pouches hanging off the belts of women.

King Lich paid little mind to Svarts warnings he felt certain that he had enough loyalists and magic to protect him and went on to collect the incentive promised for drafting Rune Warriors.

Ship engineering remained a mystery since the nearby garrison noticed it and sunk the skeletons with ballista fire.

And while King Lich was working to increase the life quality of his stunty subjects, random spell attacks continued, this time turning patches of ground into desert.
This had the unforeseen consequences of sobering up a few drunks, who immediately flooded the usual haunts to restore status quo.

If only everything had been that easy. Krells troops had been seen sneaking around the borders and looking for a good way to get inside the lands.

Some even tried to buy silks at the new silk farm, but it was well known that spider silk had magical properties, and as such wasnt sold to outsiders.
There was no diplomatic way to of barring their entry, so King Lich VI was forced to just shuffle troops around, placing them to block avenues of advance and firmly turn the human troops away.

This was especially strange considering that Krell agreed to another Non-Agression treaty. Still, the mage had been treasonous before, attacking while ink was still on the paper.

So they did. They assaulted the ogre just as he exited his hut. He was a formidable opponent, but the swings of his club only scattered Svart women around, magical proctection absorbing most of the harm.
And flaming axes slowly but surely cut the giant down

King Lich VI started grinding teeth.

Howling Sorrows and Burnouts were lands preparing for war. Long Shores, however, were slowly scouted out by crow flights. They had barely left the shore when they ran into trouble:

"It appears that Sea Serpents are distant relatives to the native dragons of Ardania, which have been thought extinct since before the times of the Great Kings."
From "The Overall Description of Everything" by Master Alfus Bumblegate.

and kill swarms, in addition to ten other kinds of nasty.

Krells dismissive attitude didnt bode well, so preparations were getting done fast.

Like researching Morloks Shield of Overprotection. While it lacked the total immunity offered by Dauros spells, it also didnt stunt the person who it was cast on. Some over protective mage parents thought it was actually a flaw in the spell, but other, more military minded wizards and witches found it useful in both offense and defense.

Impending war or not, but life went on. A new town was established to capitalize on nearby magical plains as well as whatever could be found in the nearby burrow.

Meanwhile, the trend of free cities far slowly catching up. Thankfully, it was mostly draining away deviants and other social detritus. The new city, situated dangerously close to the edge of the shard, was dedicated to free love, smoking cactus drugs and wild domesticated pig racing.

"Giant turtles are commonly used by Koatls as work animals, but they can easily be turned to unstoppable ravaging war beasts."
(From "The Overall Description of Everything" by Master Alfus Bumblegate)

And so did the last of Svart Prospectors that had pledged their crossbows to King Lich VI died.

To avenge their deaths, Sir Hugue was sent with orders to slay the beast. The burden of duty laid on his shoulders almost as heavily as the hammer.

Training grounds were established between the Honorable and Rune Warrior guilds. Troops used it for training with heavier gear and more advanced tactics.
The plains of life on the way to barracks were used for dangerous amounts of frolicking.

"Troops of Elite Guards are the pride and joy of the Svart army. Only the most experienced and strongest warriors from the Honourable Svarts are recruited into these units, because according to the tradition, in addition to other tasks, the Elite Guards are protecting the King-in-Stone, and therefore, armed only with shields and one-handed axes, they must prevail in a battle against any enemy, no matter what technologies or magic they use."
(from "Chronicles of New Worlds" written by Master Vardies Teleran)

Mages traveling to Gatehouse were met by sir Hugue.

All along the border, Svarts surged from their positions and killed, killed, killed. Warriors and hunters fell under axe, crushed and cleaved into bloody pulp.

Mages were swept away as their spells, hurried out of surprise, failed to found purchase in Svart armor. The front was pushed all over.